Initially intimidated by high tech production, Hannah Judge found herself attracted to vintage toy keyboards for their ease of use and unique sounds heard on her songs as fanclubwallet. Now Judge has amassed a collection that fills her tiny bedroom and her friends clamor to borrow for their own projects.
Slumber: What prompted you to collect keyboards in the first place?
Hannah: I’m not sure anything specific prompted me to start collecting. I think my lack of knowledge on how to record using an interface, and not knowing that midi keyboards existed for a long time sort of steered me away from higher-tech stuff. The first toy keyboard I bought was in high school, I immediately fell in love with them and haven’t really stopped being in love!
Slumber: Is there a dream keyboard that you’re still looking for, and if so what is it?
Hannah: I currently don’t have a dream keyboard, for a long time it was an SK1 but since I got way too into searching for instruments online during quarantine and found one, I’ve been pretty content with what I’ve got. Lately now when I’m looking online, it’s usually me trying to find neat stuff to give to friends as gifts! (I’ve also completely run out of space in my tiny bedroom for anything else.)
Slumber: What’s your favorite part about cultivating this collection?
Hannah: I have a hard time using midi and in DAW instruments, partly because I just don’t have a midi keyboard, and secondly because it stresses me out for some reason. So, being able to have a really large plethora of sounds right in front of me that I can just pull out of my closet and kind of know what I’m getting myself into is great. No programming or anything, I’m bad at that. Also, I really like that I can lend my friends keyboards and have a large variety for them to choose from!

Muson Synthesizer
What is it?
This one is the “Muson synthesizer” from 1978.
Where did you get it?
We drove 6 hours to get this after seeing it on an auction website!
Why do you love it?
The internet tells me this is super rare, so that’s cool! It sounds sort of awful in a somehow pleasant way.

What is it?
This is the “rap master,” the RadioShack version of the Casio rap man.
Where did you get it?
This is one of the first keyboards I ever bought, at Value Village or Salvation Army.
Why do you love it?
I used its orch hit sounds on “this must be the place.” Honestly, it’s probably my favorite!

What is it?
The “Casio SA-45.”
Where did you get it?
At a thrift store. This the first kids’ keyboard I ever bought.
Why do you love it?
I’ve used it on pretty much everything. It’s incredibly versatile and my favorite keyboard in the Casio SA series. #21 is the best sound!!!

What is it?
These are the “Casio SK1 & SK5,” they’re some of the first sampling keyboards and a lot of really cool artists use them in their music (like Mount Eerie!)
Where did you get it?
I get most of my keyboards at thrift stores like Value Village or Salvation Army, but the Casio Sk1 & Sk5 I found on Facebook marketplace.
Why do you love it?
Personally, all I’ve used these for so far is recording my name and playing it back in funny little ditties, but I may be cooking up something with them soon!

What is it?
The “Texas Instruments Speak and Music,” which is a really cool kids’ toy from the 80s that basically tries to teach you how to play little tunes.
Where did you get it?
At a thrift store.
Why do you love it?
It has really surprising crunchy sounds and even a sound effects button. I use this one on songs that haven’t come out yet!

What is it?
An organ (not sure what kind it is.)
Where did you get it?
I got it for free from a really nice woman named Betty and got Chemical Club to carry it up two flights of stairs to my apartment.
Why do you love it?
It’s pretty much the main instrument in “Car Crash in G major” and shows up on some new songs I’ve written!

Misc extras
What is it?
This is just a misc of stuff I use here and there; we’ve got a Fisher Price Happy Apple, Casio MT 68, Casio DP1 drum pads, Electronic Keyboard (that’s actually the name?) and the Yamaha PS1!
Where did you get it?
I get most of my keyboards at thrift stores like Value Village or Salvation Army. The Happy Apple I actually found on kijiji and we drove about an hour away to pick it up!
Why do you love it?
I don’t use these as much as I’d like, but they definitely show up on some songs.

What is it?
Last but not least is my omnichord.
Where did you get it?
I got this from a friend who, after hearing me complaining about wanting one, just happened to find one under their basement stairs!
Why do you love it?
This has been used on a bunch of stuff and if you’ve never heard one, you should definitely look them up, they make the coolest harp type sound and are buckets of fun!
Click here to presave fanclubwallet’s next single “C’Mon Be Cool,” out tomorrow: 4/9